Prayer is a foundational part of our Christian life that, by its existence, reveals the unique relationship God wants with his people. As the following videos and books will reveal, prayer is one of our most natural things to do, since we are in the presence of our creator. Through prayer, especially prayer informed by Scripture, we can be more in step with the Spirit of God, rest in who he is and what his mission is, and gain fresh perspective and understanding of our mission in light of God’s mission. This can free us to be who we are made to be, nothing more and nothing less.
Hans Urs von Balthasar
“Letters to Malcolm“
C.S. Lewis
Karl Barth
“The Collects of Thomas Cranmer ed.“
C. Frederick Barbee and Paul F.M. Zahl
“Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina“
Michael Casey
“Personal Writings“
St Ignatius of Loyola
“Examination of Consciousness“
George A. Aschenbrenner